Recently Karan Johar has released this film in Pakistan and is running houseful in theaters there also Baahubali2 creating records in Islamic country.
Baahubali 2 (Conclusion) is creating non-stop collections and this film has made a fresh historical record earning one thousand crore collections in 10 days and made Indian film reputation proud.
Baahubali 2 (Conclusion) is creating non-stop collections and this film has made a fresh historical record earning one thousand crore collections in 10 days and made Indian film reputation proud.
The Baahubali-2 success details here follows: |
Though the movie is released about two weeks ago, the movie in theaters is running all still Houseful. Film Analyst says, the long run Director sculptured Baahubali2 will create more records in upcoming days. However, the film's success has proved to be hard hit by the movie team. Movie Makers has recently released a 30 second teaser of Bahubali-2. This teaser has now become trending on social media. Let give a look at this teaser. |
Movie Trailer |
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